
Learn from world-renowned photographer and educator Michael Willems’s unique set of e-books.  Buy them now, put them on all your computers, tablets, and large smartphones, and immediately gain professional photography skills.

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Go PRO with the eBooks: incredible value at $24.95 each - or $119 for all seven.


What People Are Saying About Michael Willems’s Photography e-Books:

Perhaps the single best photography book I have read!”

“Books are easy to read through”

“Your teaching is first class, in its being both articulate and practical”

“It is rather clear from your book that you are still in love with photography”

“Clearly a doctorate level presentation!”

“You've made learning photography fun!”

“Your use of the English language excels”

“The manner in which you explain things far surpasses that of the many others whom I have taken courses from.”

“Your wit comes through as well, making your book and cookbook a good read”

“Absolutely treasure and refer to the books on a regular basis”
